
Nvim Setup For Golang

check help: lsp for more info.

Nvim released lots of very useful features recently, 0.5.0 version brings LSP client into its core, and 0.6.0 adds virtual text support. Those features make Nvim a powerful IDE like text editor. With some settings, now it’s my daily editor for all my work espicially for Golang.


The latest stable version is 0.6.0, we can check version by command :version inside Nvim.


Before goes into Nvim configuration, we need install gopls, the LSP server. We can go install golang.org/x/tools/gopls@latest to install gopls.

Nvim configuration

Plug 'neovim/nvim-lspconfig'

Autocomplete and Go to definition


Go to definition



Auto Import package

Auto Formatting